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Sep 27, 20221 min read
POGO Shutdown
The Philippines will shut 175 online casinos that are operating illegally and deport 40,000 Chinese workers...

Sep 7, 20221 min read
The owners of two houses refuse to leave their homes for residents to access a newly built bridge.

Sep 6, 20221 min read
Secret Improvements
Once upon a time, a commercial unit on the second floor was leased out to a small business...

Aug 18, 20221 min read
BSP Hikes Rates by 0.5%
The BSP raised key interest rates by 50 basis point (0.5%) to combat inflation. The BSP has increased rates by 175 basis points (1.75%)...

Aug 16, 20221 min read
Construction Cost
The estimated construction cost of putting up a house (structural, plumbing, bare finish) in Metro Manila has risen to...

Aug 9, 20221 min read
The Disappearing Bank
In the 80s, Mr. Xyz borrowed money from a rural bank and used his home as collateral...

Jul 26, 20222 min read
Hostile Takeover
Mr. Xyz purchased a vacant lot along a famous highway in Quezon City in the 90s and sat on it...

Jul 25, 20221 min read
Revised Zonal Values - Batangas
The BIR has released new zonal values for RDO 058 - Batangas City, West Batangas. This RDO covers the resorts in Batangas...

Jul 22, 20221 min read
RE Ten Commandments
Here's a summary of all the lessons I've learned from my clients' problems. Follow these and you'll be fine.

Jul 21, 20221 min read
Rockwell Center
Rockwell Land is one of the country’s top real estate developers.
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