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So, I installed a tarpaulin for a listing that I'm handling. Then someone messaged us asking if the property is still available–because the tarp was no longer there.

I was taught before to slash tarps so that they can't be stolen and reused. I did exactly that when I bore holes to zip tie it to the fence.

Still, it was stolen. If you look closely at the photo, the zip ties are still there.

According to a broker who saw the property, it's likely stolen by unlicensed ahentes who are also trying to sell the property.

We’re the exclusive broker for the property so I don't know what they're trying to achieve by stealing our tarp.

Dirty tactics. Tsk.

Just something to think about when planning to put up a tarp in an ungated property.

Maybe this is stating the obvious, but I’ll say it anyway: It’s best to have the signage/tarp inside the property. Or have a professional install it for you so it’s not easily stolen.

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