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Google Ads

I tried advertising through Google Ads. Here are my findings/comments.

Basic Details:

+ I spent US$150 for a one-month campaign (Php8,473).

+ I changed the ad weekly between a particular listing and a general RE brokerage service.


+ The ad was shown 188,966 times in Google searches and partner websites.

+ 5,364 people clicked on the link.

+ Click-through rate was 2.8% (total clicks divided by total impressions).


+ Advertising a particular property is more effective than a general "Are you looking for a RE broker?" ad. No one clicked the RE Broker ad (LOL).

+ I didn't have anyone contact me, despite the many clicks.


+ Though the campaign successfully drove website visits, I find advertising in Google ads a costly endeavor (relative to simply boosting in RE platforms).

+ It's probably more suitable for fast-moving consumer brands.

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