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Multiple Copies of the Title Issued

Did you know that the Registry of Deeds (RD) may issue multiple copies of the Title–one for each co-owner? It's possible!

This is based on Presidential Decree No. 1529, CHAPTER IV, Section 41, which reads:

"...if the co-owners so desire, a separate duplicate may be issued to each of them in like form, but all outstanding certificates of title so issued shall be surrendered whenever the Register of Deeds shall register any subsequent voluntary transaction affecting the whole land or part thereof or any interest therein. The Register of Deeds shall note on each certificate of title a statement as to whom a copy thereof was issued."

(Could anyone share an example of this? I have yet to see one...)

Possibly a reason why some would like to do this is because they don't trust the other co-owners. Requesting multiple copies would prevent other co-owners from (falsely) selling the property without the consent of all co-owners.

...Just a nice to know. 🤓


RE/MAX Capital, 5th Floor, Phinma Plaza

Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City

Metro Manila, Philippines

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