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Must Google Tenants

Here’s a follow-up story to last Tuesday’s Horror Story post: The Criminal Tenant. This serves as another reminder why Googling prospective tenants is a must.

Once upon a time, a prospective tenant inquired about a rental property. Everything went well up until the owner Google'd the tenant's name.

The tenant turns out to be an amateur pornstar.

Anyway, the owner was okay with this as long as they:

1. Don't post anything on adult websites or social media that would identify the building or the unit; and

2. Do not use the unit for any sort of s*xual activity.

The prospective tenant backed out.

End of story.

Now, I won't discuss whether the tenant's line of profession is good or bad. I'll leave that up to you. One thing's for sure; I think owners would like to know about this type of information. This is another reason why Googling prospective tenants should be on everyone's checklist.

Another note: assuming the tenant didn't back out, wouldn't it be extremely difficult to police what happens in the confines of the unit?

Anyway, special thanks to the Follower who shared this story.


RE/MAX Capital, 5th Floor, Phinma Plaza

Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City

Metro Manila, Philippines

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