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Newly Purchased Home

“I lifted the rugs in the newly purchased house to find this,” was the message posted by a Reddit user three days ago, according to The Sun, which generated more than 9,000 comments from users.

JPRE: These are called "psychological damage" to properties. In some cases, the psychological damage is so significant—such as after a violent or highly publicized murder or suicide or widespread reports of haunting—that a property is considered "stigmatized" and therefore less valuable.

In most states in the US, the owner would indeed be expected to disclose a defect causing a property to be stigmatized so that buyers could adjust their expectations and purchase price accordingly. For example, in California, sellers must fill out and give the buyers a disclosure form listing a broad range of defects, such as a leaky roof, DEATHS THAT OCCURRED WITHIN THREE years on the property, neighborhood nuisances such as a dog that barks every night, and more.

Among the worst examples of this would probably be the one that occurred in a Makati condo a few years back (google “Makati chop chop”) or the Ozone Disco tragedy (space of which remains vacant after 3 decades.

Do you know any other examples?


RE/MAX Capital, 5th Floor, Phinma Plaza

Plaza Drive, Rockwell Center, Makati City

Metro Manila, Philippines

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