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No such thing as 100%

Typically, investors use the government's planned infrastructure projects to guide their RE investments. However, as we're currently seeing, it's never 100% sure they would push through.

As examples, here are three infra projects whose futures are uncertain.

1. Skyway exit to Arca South

Originally slated to be completed in 2021, the Skyway exit to Arca South (previously the FTI complex) has yet to be completed. I believe the new target date is 2025. Meanwhile, condo prices in Arca South continue to be lethargic as access is limited to the service road and a tight road behind the estate.

2. Manila Bay Reclamation

I can only imagine the headaches of the developers of the reclaimed land in the Bay area. Despite having the go-signal from the Reclamation Authority, most projects (some ongoing) have been suspended after environmentalists and the US embassy expressed concerns. This example just proves that projects can go out the window even with political clout.

3. Makati Subway

Everybody was excited about the Makati Subway project the first time it came out in the news–city officials, businesses, and even ordinary folk. But the project hit a major hurdle out of nowhere when the Supreme Court released a ruling that declared certain areas (where some stops were located) not part of Makati's territory. Hopefully, it still pushes through.

Lesson: Be cautious whenever RE agents mention infra projects as part of their sales spiels. As these examples highlight, consider the possibility of projects not pushing through (or being delayed) before making any sizable bet. Never go all-in.

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