I subscribed to four of the country's most prominent real estate internet platforms. I tabulated the data and identified whether the person who inquired replied. Here’s what I found...
This table shows the total number of inquiries I received from March to December 2022.
In terms of count, Lamudi generated the most inquiries: 210. However, only 23% of those who inquired replied when we messaged them.
In terms of the highest percentage of legit leads, Carousell was the highest at 53%.
My takeaway here is this:
Ideally, brokers should subscribe to all these platforms since it’s rare that someone who inquired through one platform also inquired on another.
If you have a limited marketing budget, choose Carousell over Lamudi. Though Lamudi generated the most leads, messaging 210 different people takes much work. I would rather get 70 leads (Carousell) with a 53% reply rate.