TIN Verification can now be done online!
Why is this important?
1.Real estate sellers and buyers need their Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) when conducting property transactions.
2. Often, people assume their TIN is correct, only to find out later that a digit is wrong.
3. Using an incorrect TIN when paying taxes can cause significant problems. If a payment is made with the wrong TIN (such as an incorrect number on the BIR form), the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) will not acknowledge the payment. As a result, the taxpayer may believe they are up-to-date with their taxes, but in reality, they are accruing penalties.
This is why verifying the TIN with the BIR is required PRIOR to making any payments to a bank.
4. Previously, verifying a TIN required a taxpayer to physically visit a BIR office. If they wanted a representative to do it, a special power of attorney was needed.
Thanks to the current BIR admin, the process can now be done online!
Here’s how to do it:
Step 1: Log on to https://orus.bir.gov.ph/
“ORUS TIN Verification is a system where the taxpayers can verify if the TIN and the name you entered match with the BIR’s registration record. To verify the TIN online, you may click proceed below.”
Step 2: Click “Verify TIN” on the list of options on the left side of the page. Then click “Proceed” on the right side.
Step 3: Fill in the required details.
You will need the following information:
For Non-Individual:
Taxpayer’s TIN
Registered Name(Full Name or Registered Corporate Name)
For Individual:
Taxpayer’s TIN
Full Name
Birth date
Step 4: Click verify.
And voila!
Comments: ORUS only confirms whether the TIN is correct. It does not provide the TIN’s classification (e.g., “Engaged in RE business”) or indicate whether the TIN is VAT or non-VAT registered.